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Dream Big

Hey there readers! Let me ask you something. When you think about what you can accomplish, is there a limit to how high you can dream? Is your goal based on realistic views? What if I said the limits you set can actually hinder your progress? Before anything else, there is nothing wrong with being realistic. It’s a good way to stay grounded. Yet, it can also hinder you from reaching your full potential if not applied in the correct manner.

Businesses have a variety of big dreamers. These people have ideas that are not only futuristic but, sometimes hard to visualize. For example, let’s take a look at the flying car. CNN shared an article that read, “A Japanese company has announced the successful test drive of a flying car. Sky Drive Inc. conducted the public demonstration on August 25, the company said in a news release, at the Toyota Test Field, one of the largest in Japan and home to the car company's development base. It was the first public demonstration for a flying car in Japanese history.” (Johnson, 2020) This company is one of a few around the world working on flying cars.

CNN Business also made a video featuring Klein Vision and stated, “KleinVision's AirCar reached an altitude of 1500 feet and completed two take-offs and landings during its maiden flight in Slovakia, according to the company.” (Watch this flying car complete its first flight - CNN Video, 2020) So, where am I going with this? Well, these accomplishments were not made overnight, as everyone knows. It took smaller steps to get them to where they are now. The first flying car was dated back to 1934, for those wondering. These companies have taken that innovation to new heights. It takes realistic steps to make a big dream become reality.

There are goals being reached everyday, and each goal has one thing in common, which is attainable steps. A fitness trainer has the job of helping their clients meet the physique of their choosing. To make this possible, they need to look at daily routines like diet and exercise. By breaking down daily habits, they can first remove activities that do not benefit their clients and then add activities that will benefit their clients, as most people with trainers have experienced. I say all of this to bring me to the main point. It’s not unrealistic to think bigger than the goals you have set for yourself.

Olympic athletes train continually for years. Being one of the top athletes in the world is a big deal. Also, it’s a huge goal that takes massive dedication. Yet, it’s not out of reach. The athletes take each day a step at a time. Forbes magazine had an article that stated, “many Olympic athletes plan out their training schedules annually, and up to four years in advance, to make certain that they reach specific performance goals. While their plans may not include exact details on how many repetitions they should complete on a Tuesday in February, they do designate periods of rest and intense workouts…” (How To Train Like An Olympian, 2020)

Now, I’m not saying that if you are not an Olympian then you have failed in life. What I am saying is that with each huge accomplishment, there are smaller accomplishments made. By mapping out steps to reach your goals, you’ll be able to achieve and even surpass them. You could go from owning a store to owning a shopping mall. Even from writing a cookbook to creating a new type of cuisine. The possibilities are endless, and they are within your reach. It is unrealistic to believe that there is a limit to what you can achieve. All you need is proper planning, and you could go from town changer to world changer. So, how do you plan on impacting the world?

Stay Breezy !



Johnson, L., 2020. Japanese Company Successfully Tests A Manned Flying Car For The First Time. [online] CNN. Available at: <> [Accessed 11 December 2020].

CNN. 2020. Watch This Flying Car Complete Its First Flight - CNN Video. [online] Available at: <> [Accessed 11 December 2020]. 2020. How To Train Like An Olympian. [online] Available at: <> [Accessed 11 December 2020].

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