Hey there, readers!! As we look on this year, it’s safe to say everyone has experienced some type of stress due to the recent pandemic. I know I have. Businesses are shutting down, and people are forced to stay indoors. There are individuals who are having a hard time adjusting to lack of travel. There are so many things to think about, and it can range from a mild case of “cabin fever” to stress related health issues.
So, what does it take to make it through the pandemic? Well, here is a tip to help guide the psyche through these troubling times.
The main piece of advice would be to assess the positives. It’s the little things that lead to a big impact. Science Direct shared an article that read, “Depression is currently considered the second leading cause of disability worldwide. Positive thinking is a cognitive process that helps individuals to deal with problems more effectively, and has been suggested as a useful strategy for coping with adversity, including depression.” (Bekhet and Garnier-Villarreal, 2017)
While it’s easy to see the negatives, the way to focus during these times is by seeing the positives. While at home in quarantine, it makes for a perfect time to pick up a new trait or skill. Some people have taken the time to finish that DIY project they’ve been putting off. Others took the time to learn how to cook. The possibilities for growth are endless when given the time.
For the extremely busy, quality time with family has been the priority.
For some people, work is where you meet your friends as well as gain social interaction. For those who only have this one outlet, quarantine has struck a huge blow. As one door shuts, another is opened. What do I mean? Work can sometimes put a strain on those around you who are most important and cause a rift without realization. PsycNet shared a journal article stating, “family-to-work boundary transitions offer some benefits to the organization by contributing to job embeddedness, but they also come at a cost in that they are associated with work-family conflict and relationship tension.” (Carlson, D. S. et al. 2015) Where am I going with this? Sometimes a break can help mend the rift given due to over working.
There are times when work demands more time than what you’re able to give at home. With life as hectic as it is, being able to stand next to loved ones and comfort them during quarantine helps strengthen bonds. It is easier to hope for a better tomorrow when there are positive relationships at home. When was the last time you were able to have movie night with someone special? Those with kids might not have had the chance to learn about their children’s passions due to lack of time spent together. Now, I’m not saying those who work hard are bad individuals who don’t pay attention to those around them. What I am saying is that now is a great time to get closer to those who surround you. Great relationships start with strong foundations. Covid-19 has changed the way people go through life, but it also has paved a way to gain new heights. There is more time for family, more time to acquire a new skill that could enhance the ability to work, and also provides a chance to take a small breather during the race to success. I’d say thinking positively can not only uplift those around you but allows the chance to advance farther than you expect during this Pandemic. Outside of staying safe during this time, what else can you accomplish?
Stay Breezy
Bekhet, A. and Garnier-Villarreal, M., 2017. The Positive Thinking Skills Scale: A screening measure for early identification of depressive thoughts. Applied Nursing Research, [online] 38(0897-1897), pp.5-8. Available at: <http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0897189717301957> [Accessed 28 November 2020].
Carlson, D. S., Kacmar, K. M., Zivnuska, S., & Ferguson, M. (2015). Do the benefits of family-to-work transitions come at too great a cost? Journal of Occupational Health Psychology, 20(2), 161–171. [online] Psycnet.apa.org. https://doi.org/10.1037/a0038279. Available at:<https://psycnet.apa.org/record/2014-45078-001>