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  • Writer's pictureSo Breezy Babe

Help. Society's Forbidden Fruit. Why?

Updated: Nov 26, 2020

Ask for Help

Bravery comes in many forms. Sometimes, it’s a simple question, “Help?”. There is nothing wrong in recognizing a weakness. It’s okay to be weak. Acknowledge that weakness, because if you ignore it, you will always be weak in that area. Grow stronger, it’s scary sometimes to open up our hearts and ask for help when you need it, but do it. Ask for help , and know that rejection may come, but it has nothing to do with you. Yes, sometimes the help will fall through, but that’s okay. The important thing here, is that you asked for help. The important thing here is that you fought for yourself. The important thing here is that you struggled your way through to improve your own life and well being in some way or another. So, do the brave thing. Acknowledge your weakness,... and ask for help.

-- Rose

Stay Breezy

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