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  • Writer's pictureSo Breezy Babe

Permission to take a Break

Life will always be a grind. Every person hustles, and should be commended for their life hustle. However, in order to find balance in this crazy world, every person needs to realize the need to give themselves permission to take a break. I’ve witnessed many people, on a so called “vacation”,stressed out of their minds from what they will do when they get back to reality. Stop. Give yourself permission. Give.👏 Yourself.👏 A. 👏Break👏, because you deserve it. Please realize that you deserve it. For those who don’t know how to give themselves permission, there may be a greater internal issue of self worth and value. Think about it. Give yourself a break.

If you have questions on this, shoot me an email.

Give yourself a Breezy Break!!

Love ya,


Stay Breezy !

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