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Writer's pictureSo Breezy Babe

Show up for Yourself

Show Up for Yourself How will you show up for yourself today? - Josh Kramer Do you want to show up for yourself? Do you even like yourself? When was the last time you were a friend to yourself? How do you take care of yourself ? Do you even take care of yourself? The concept of self love is not complex. It’s the "loving yourself" that’s the problem for the people out there like me. Ok, for me, it’s an internal warfare. I can be there for anyone; I’m every body's best friend.... but I'm not my best friend. :/. I find myself doing things for random strangers.... but not for myself. Take just now for instance. I swear, I just stopped writing this to teach this cute granny I just met how to 3 way call her son in the Ukraine. Then, I listened to her family I’m back..haha. But I can't tell you the last time I 3 way called my family in Japan. Do you get the picture? Case in point, I like to help people, but my problem is helping myself. And I know I’m not the only one here. Ask yourself the tough questions: Do you show up for yourself? When I read this, my answer was a definite “Um... No.”,and I was shocked by this truth. Now, if you do self care well, here’s another challenge. How can you care for yourself in other areas you might now be aware of? You might have to ask someone for advice, because it may be an area you might be blind to. :) You are made up of a mind, body, and a soul. Are you tending to all of you? Be honest with yourself, and let’s change together Breezer’s. Quote by: @JoshKramerYoga

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