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Writer's pictureSo Breezy Babe

So, You Want to be a Scientist?-- Ask the Science Major with Sean

Updated: Dec 17, 2020

There are many benefits to becoming a scientist or from obtaining the power of knowledge of science. The human body has many secrets that science uncovers as time progresses. Knowing such secrets of the human body can lead to great birthday gifts, as secrets about the benefits of tea, spices, and sauces can lead to great gifts to anybody who can delight in the tasteful benefits of delicious meals that are proven to benefit the human condition. Not only does science knowledge inspire nutritional benefits but also in delectable meals as such healthy foods are naturally craved by the human body.

Science not only can teach of the many secrets of the human body through nutrition, but science can also help one understand one’s own health assessment by understanding the science behind the medical conditions. You can learn about current world affairs to how the hospital has diagnosed you with a background in science. You can change your behavior when you learn because science is a teacher and you can learn a lot from it. Science is a learning process and can help guide your daily tasks. With just a few pointers and some hard work, you too can also benefit from the time you put into expanding your science knowledge.

Science is a learning process and can also teach you how to think like a scientist. You can learn how to not only optimize yourself, but you can also learn the proper mechanics to succeed in life. Science is the backbone of a tool that can guide you towards a career that is very fruitful.

You can find science knowledge from books or from audios and these sources can be found online. You can learn of science through google searches, and expanding your science knowledge will create you a better future, one that makes sense with logic. Science is everywhere. Aristotle, a founder of the field, had explored the world in search of answers with curiosity, and this path has lead to future vaccines, cures, and technology. If you want to learn science, you can start by exploring the world with curiosity.

You can start your search for knowledge by analyzing or learning about the mechanics such as PCR machines or by observing how a leaf can absorb the sun’s energy and possibly reflect on how houses can also use solar power to generate energy. These technologies have been observed in nature before getting into society, so asking yourself basic questions from your observation of the external world can guide you to gain advantages and techniques that can change your life.

More importantly, connecting with the right people is crucial to becoming successful in any field, including science. You can gain a vast amount of knowledge from curiosity, or find the right people who can answer your questions or can lead you with the right questions to blast yourself into becoming an amateur scientist. Meeting the right people fuels curiosity and these people you meet should be mentors and higher in knowledge for you to develop. There are many writers who you can also follow, and the field of science is vast. You can follow many authors, from physics to Ecology, and find ways to intertwine information and create a unique perspective such as how human biology can be spiritually studied by applying tools from quantum physics But that will happen in the future.

If you are in college, you can apply for study abroad programs that lead in field research to gain a love for science. To be successful in any subject, you must find love and that can be found through observing nature abroad. Also, finding others to help inspire, mentor, or motivate you in your journey for answers through science can be extremely helpful also!

You can find these people by following speakers from podcasts and following their tribes and find out if they are speaking in any conferences. Like-minded leaders have tribes and are usually teaching in groups, so finding one speaker on a podcast will increase your chances of development by many folds. Find one person who you want to learn from and follow their events and you will find yourself more immersed than ever. For starters, there is a tribe of paleo diet followers who have great speakers. I would recommend you follow any speaker who speaks on Paleo and explore from there.

If you meet the right people, you want to place yourself in the position to create an effect. That is why getting a license or a degree in any science field can trust your knowledge into influence. Placing yourself in the right position can channel your growing knowledge of science into benefiting not only yourself but your peers and the world around you. Go to school, get a degree, travel the world, immerse yourself in corporations, attend meetings, and you will be in a position to change the world.

How would you know if learning science is right for you? If you’re a curious person who loves to learn and travel the world, science research would be right for you. If you love nature, go on hikes, and explore the outdoors, you can make money writing science papers. If you want to better yourself and understand your biology better, you can delve into science to expand your horizon. If you are a religious person, you can learn science to better understand God, such as Charles Darwin. If you are a morning person, one who does not have morning drowsiness, science can be very insightful so you should learn to become a scientist.

After all, if you still do not find being a science nerd convincing, you can get yourself a cup of coffee and ponder if a life exploring the world is one that you can imagine. Science knowledge will connect you to the world and teach you to find the power to become more powerful than you can possibly imagine. Or science can also teach you humility, to bask in the wealth of knowledge around you, to appreciate creation and all its glory.


Stay Breezy

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