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  • Writer's pictureSo Breezy Babe

Working Out for the Busy Professional

Updated: Dec 17, 2020

The average person has to juggle their work, family, and daily chores. These obligations stretch us thin with no resources left in the tank to focus on working out. You don’t have to be an athlete to work out. As little as 15 minutes of exercise can increase your life expectancy, reduce diseases, and improve your quality of life. The challenge is to find a way to squeeze in some exercise during your busy schedule.

Here are 3 tips that we want to share.

You Can Work Out at Home Instead of the Gym

Most people skip workout because they associate fitness with the gym. Now the gym is just one more obstacle that you have to overcome to start working out. To make the task easier, why not bring the gym into your home? Most exercises can be done with just you and your body without the need for expensive equipment. Our favorite activities are push-ups, planks, pulls ups (if you have a pull-up bar), and sit-ups

Here are some easy 10-minute exercises you can do from home using only your body.

Here’s a rule of thumb to keep in mind: when you want to accomplish something, try to remove as many obstacles from the task and you as possible. In the case of working out, the gym is one obstacle. Who has the time to drive all the way to the gym and change into workout gear? That’s too many extra steps.

Incidental Exercise

This is when you squeeze in small amounts of activity during the course of a day. It’s less structured and more spontaneous and can take many forms. For instance, you could walk the stairs instead of taking the elevator. Or you could park your car a small distance away from work and walk all the way to your desk. Instead of sitting on your desk, you could walk for five minutes. Incidental exercise, if done regularly, can be very effective.

Keep Healthy Food Near You at All Times

It’s so easy to cave in to your daily food cravings and go off track from your fitness goals. Once the mind gets fixated on something – such as eating – you’ll have a hard time escaping the all-consuming thoughts that follow.

So here’s what you can do.

Keep pre-portioned healthy meals near you. That way, you won’t be tempted to go near the vending machine or order junk food. As we said earlier – make it easy to accomplish a task by reducing the number of steps involved. By pre-portioning food and keeping it at arm’s length, you make it easier to stay true to your fitness goals.

Let us know if these tips worked for you. What steps do you take to stay fit and healthy? Let us know in the comments below.


Stay Breezy

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