So, what? My greatest fear in life was failure, so much that I kept myself from so many experiences, friendships, opportunities. All for what though? So, this figment of a fabricated failure , that may or may not happen, could dictate my life?
Don’t be like me, friends, and live. Live for the beautiful moments that could happen. Live for the future that you can make possible. Live for those who are actually incapable of living the way you can, freely.
Failure. Is. Life. Period.
It is a part of the cycle of life, just like life and death is as well, but in every waking moment there is an up or down . Perspective is everything...but also realizing that failure is beautiful.
I failed big this week. Gosh, it was painful. A months effort down the drain-- But I’m not going to put myself in a dark corner like I normally do, friends. I’m going to be proud of myself for choosing to take on a large task that I was passionate about, to put so much effort in! I’m going to pat myself on the back for giving something my all. I'm going to celebrate, because I saw how far I could go, because it was farther than my last effort.
Look, I’m not an idiot. I’m a realist. Failure sucks. But you know what sucks even more? Regret. Regret will never leave you, sometimes haunt you. But failures, truly do pass.
So my dear friends, embrace failure. Welcome it with open arms, because there is beauty in living, and growing.
Stay Breezy!